
pipx ( - execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments.

Hey, there's already a Hitchhiker's Guide to Python! This is quite comprehensive on the Python development basics.

GIL required to run bytecode, but not when waiting on I/O - can switch to different thread. CPython has macros to release and re-aquire GIL which can be used if extension does not need to run python bytecode/do any kind of ref-count changes (e.g. sleep, read/write files, network socket, numpy, image processing(?)). Cannot share GIL in CPU-bound code. CPU-bound "check" every 100 ticks to allow switching. Note: I/O doesn't often block unless you are flushing - OS buffers. Note: Threads/Processes result in CPU context switches, while async does not.

Pure CPU: Process <---> Threads <---> Async: Pure I/O (Many "Connections"/Slow I/O).

Async I/O clearly delineates the context switch locations.

Processes Threads Async I/O
No CPU Context Switches
Shared memory can result in race conditions. No race conditions.. usually.
No dead locks.. usually.
Costly. Each thread has its own stack. Shared Stack. Uses an executor pool to run sync tasks in a background thread (this uses additional resources)

Python 2 -> 3: Strings/Bytes, Print, Super() - new style classes, division.


  • black (how-to)
  • flake8
    • pycodestyle (formerly pep8)
    • pyflakes
    • mccabe
  • pylint
  • bandit/dodgy/safety(pipenv)
  • prospector
  • isort
  • Layer Linter (not tried)
  • pydocstyle
  • mypy
  • vulture
  • pyroma for libraries (


Python 3.8

  • assignment expressions if (n := len(a)) > 10:
  • improved f-strings f"{x*9 + 15=}"
  • positional and keyword only parameters
  • multiprocessing.shared_memory

Python 3.7:

  • dataclasses TBD: talk link.
  • contextvars
  • breakpoint()
  • postponed evaluation of type annotations
  • dicts officially respect insertion-order
  • time - nanosecond resolution functions
  • f"{number:,}

Python 3.6:

  • f-string literals
  • underscores in numeric literals
  • extended variable annotations
  • (async generators & comprehensions)
  • Local Time Disambiguation
  • secrets module

Python 3000:

  • unicode vs bytes
  • print() vs print
  • division float vs int
  • new-style vs classic classes
  • relative imports (?)
  • views and iterators vs lists (e.g. dict.items() == dict.iteritems())
  • nonlocal
  • extended iterable unpacking
  • set literals
  • removed tuple parameter unpacking


  • passlib - high-level secrets library
  • pysnooper - line-by-line print debugging
  • boltons - "boltons should be buitins" (stdlib additions)


See my cheat sheet.


  • Remember to index on ForeignKeys. Postgres does not do this automatically. MySQL always does this.
  • Remember to set onupdate and ondelete cascades on ForeignKeys.
  • To prevent spurious joins: (this cannot be used with NULLable outer joins)


Understanding SettingWithCopyWarning.

Raising it as an error (setup.cfg)

filterwarnings =


Probably the last one you will learn:

x = [1,2,3,4]
lambdas = [
   lambda: x[i]
   for i in range(4)

[f() for f in lambdas]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""