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Minimal HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<title>Saving bytes</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<h1>Let's go</h1>
<p>Annddd we're done


Web Security

  • Same-Origin Policy (SOP). Security. (Related CORS - not really security, just DRM.)
    • The Same Origin Policy (SOP) applies only to scripts accessing data from another origin.
    • CORS can be used to relax restrictions for scripts.
    • Websockets do not use SOP, the server must verify the Origin: header.
    • SOP does not prevent "Simple Requests" (e.g. HTML forms), but does prevent reading the response. This means to prevent CSRF, the server must verify the Origin: header.
    • Older browsers do not send the Origin: header.
  • Content Security Policies let website owners control which resources they allow themselves [the links on the page] to load.
    • HTTP Headers and HTML meta tag intersect.
  • Feature Policies let website owners control which permissions they allow themselves [the scripts on the page] to use.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing let website owners allow which resources they allow others to load.
    • With exceptions that allow hotlinking for legacy resources images, scripts, css, and audio/video.
    • SOP applies to XHR, web fonts, and a couple of other things, and CORS can be used to relax these restrictions.
  • CSRF - server accepting requests it believe came from the user (exploit server's trust in client)
  • XSS - inject scripts into the attacked website to bypass SOP (exploit client's trust in server - for XSS originating from server)
  • Clickjacking
  • Storage access (cookies, sessionStorage, localStorage, IndexDB)
  • Remember: many (all?) of these headers are only needed on rendered content (HTML, not images)

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